
If it was Masuka it would be just plain funny. He wouldn't have covered it up. He would have called someone and been like "WTF!?" right away. It would be very sit com esk. He actually seems to somehow have a cohesive character, which is just plain fucking odd now seeming as he's just about the only one who makes

*SPOILER* Look at the preview carefully. They're not killing off Batista. He will be tied up in a fire and saved by Dexter at the last moment.

This also bugs me because I distinctly remember this whole "Dexter officially adopting Aster and Cody" mini story arc. Also, do they never want to see their brother? REALLY!?

But what!? He's proved to be an idiot, with his "Derp, let's tell a guy he can roll-play as his wife's murderer and hope to get praised!" and the whole leaving a rotting piece of illegal serial-killer body-part merchandise out in the open in his living room. Which reminds me… how does that hand stay fresh!?

It won't happen in non-dream-sequence because (and I know this is a ridiculous world of illogic already but…) Dexter is far too "I want to seem normal" to be captain incest. Every slight swerve into romance has got him deeply confused. On that note, Lumen. Is Dexter suffering from selective amnesia? OR! WAIT! I HAVE

They aren't half siblings. Remember, back in season one we found out that Dexter's real father is Joe Driscoll. Which, speaking of incest in Dexter… Deb, dating Dexter's brother, on double dates… weird. Also, we must remember that those two were married in real-life. I feel like they've spent years trying to avoid