
I prefer
Mr. Blobby.

I agree
Nubile women in their twenties are for the gays. Especially when they sweat, wear skimpy clothes, and writhe around slowly. Only a Mary would think that kind of thing is appealing.

Agreed: Ice Cube's prior work stands on its own and is unaffected by his current crapulence.

Goin' South
Along with the mgt, I too am mildly disappointed, especially after seeing the book's cover.

No mention of the charismatic enigma that is Bill Engvall?

And no…
Lobster's comments aren't racist, unless you consider rappers to be their own separate race.

No Cred
After his string of "Are We There Yet?" style family movies, how ridiculous would it be to hear him rapping about life on the mean streets?

AJR can beat me to the Lisa Kudrow punch.

The Comeback
I'm guessing this will be inferior to Lisa Kudrow's similarly-titled HBO project.

This movie contains the second-most awesome cinematic whip fight of all time: Flash vs. Barin on the teetering, spike-ridden disk in Zoltan's palace. It drips with awesomeness and awesomeility.