
I've slaughtered a few cows and goats. My dad grew up in a rural area, and he believed strongly that I was to eat meat, I should know what I'm making the animal go through.

I'd like to add: Don't mess with your steak immediately after you take it off the grill. Don't poke it, don't cut a little air hole in it to cool it down faster, don't slice it.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus  Well, at least now we know how much he liked Hannibal.

I thought about writing a script to track how much time I spend here.

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus Except making new and improving on existing technology. That's always going to be there.

@avclub-b85d65c39e12a5515c19fd72b6f48199:disqus Is there a good reason that it directly should be a corporations responsibility to find new jobs for obsolete workers?

Why Bangladesh? I didn't find it too bad.

I started watching after  I saw the review of episode 11 pop up.

I love mean Jewel Staite. She was fantastic doing a vulnerable, mean in the dumps actress in LA Confidential.

You're not alone. It annoys me a lot too, but the business is where the business is.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus I got both this and The Shield reference below. This despite only starting to watch television seriously only 2 years ago.

Imagining Mackey as a preppy was a hilarious image. Thanks for that.

One of the by products of growing up in the conditions that I did was that I needed to be singularly focused on first getting myself into America's best universities because they were the only ones that would pay for everything and we couldn't afford anything less than a full ride. There was also no support structure

After typing all of this out, I thought about talking to him about this. I decided not to.

Thanks for reading.

No to the first and third.

Thanks. I'm so happy to find out that this show has been cathartic to so many.

Everyone here has a special relationship with television. I thought then, that you all would enjoy reading what this show has meant to me personally. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Hey, thanks for sharing this.

This was a third world country. The patriarchy ran strong and continues to to this day.