
That is the definition of genius.

My Brain Hurts is pretty much a perfect pop-punk album. The albums between the first reunion and the second break-up are all great. How many break-ups are they on now? 4? 5?

I love Leatherface a ton, but their imitators are a plague that should be eradicated.

Amazing album, amazing band. Finally managed to catch them live in 2011 and they didn't disappoint. Eric Davidson's got a new band called Livids that rip too.

Yeah, I like personal histories of punk. Any sort of wider history suffers from over-generalisation or just retreading the same narrative that dozens of articles/books have covered already.

Nick Blinko is a goddamn genius.

Great album.

Maximum Rocknroll and Razorcake usually have a pretty comprehensive selection between them. Punknews is alright. Al Quint from Suburban Voice is a good punk writer. Standard Issue is a solid webzine. Then there's a whole network of smaller blogs like Terminal Escape, icoulddietomorrow, Remote Outposts,

Night Birds are great. When I saw them live the guitarist was writhing around on the floor and punched a photographer. Maimed for the Masses is incredible. Looks like The AV Club went here for its musical description: http://mitchclem.com/nothin…

Best punk albums of the year:
1. Criaturas - Espiritu Du Libertad
2. Culo - My Life Sucks And I Could Care Less
3. Hard Skin - On The Balls/Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear?
4. RVIVR - The Beauty Between
5. Burial - Renegades
6. V/A - Ground Zero Hardcore
7. A Giant Dog - Bone
8. Framtid - Defeat of Civilization
9. Una Bèstia

That's a funny way of spelling Framtid.

FIDLAR are the band that the Dead Kennedys would be if Too Drunk To Fuck wasn't satirical.

Armed With Anger: How UK Punk Survived the 90s is a fucking great book.

I saw Crudos at Chaos in Tejas and they were easily one of the best live bands I've ever seen (probably along with Guitar Wolf, another band that absolutely ruled the 90s). I got really emotional watching them because I'd thought I'd never get to see them.

I look forward to a long discussion of Wat Tyler's Sexless EP, the Hickey/Voodoo Glow Skulls split (the most punk rock punk record ever), a close reading of Apocalypse Hoboken and New Bomb Turks lyrics, speculation as to who The Rip Offs actually were and an explanation of why Hard Skin, Los Crudos and Disclose are

Everyone knows Dave Mello had the best post-Op Ivy musical endeavour. Rancid, Common Rider and Classics of Love are all very well, but did any of them ever do a whole album cover of Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album that fitted onto a seven inch record? SCHLONG FOREVER.


I remember once reading a review of Kim Jee-Woon's I Saw the Devil where the reviewer said that he walked out after 10 minutes and based the rest of the review on an out-of-context list of the most violent parts of the film that he found on the internet, saying that anyone who made it to the end was an amoral

Masked Intruder are fantastic. Jaded Punk Hulk is fucking awful.

I was expecting some sort of Zach Braff update, but Gaunt are much better.