Jar Jar Binks

And meesa thought meesa was unlikeable. 

Meesa up for Star Wars: The Gungan Menace - a prequel to the prequels written by meesa truly!  Hassa bit parts for Han Solo's grandfather, robot that built factory where R-Toosa's chipset was made, and George Lucas's last ounce of credibility.

Meesa up for Star Wars: The Gungan Menace - a prequel to the prequels written by meesa truly!  Hassa bit parts for Han Solo's grandfather, robot that built factory where R-Toosa's chipset was made, and George Lucas's last ounce of credibility.

How wude!

How wude!

Meesa goddamn Gungan cocksucker!

Meesa goddamn Gungan cocksucker!

Meesa haffa find out if Larry has role in dis for Jar Jar.  Yoosa peoples may not know dis, but Jar Jar made up most of heesa dialogue in Episode I!  Too many peoples credit Lucas the Hutt for dem, but heesa no write heesa way outta Gungan moss-bag.

How wude!

Meesa want Mila Kunis to star in meesa super-secret sci-fi project, too.  Meesa think it star just meesa and Mila… no need for wardrobe budget.

Meesa hope not!

Meesa confused.

Pffffff.  Meesa was available to appear as wampa, but Jar Jar got typecast, meesapose.   Dem say nobody sees Jar Jar as a bad guy, meesa just spose to do Gunga pratfalls and tongue gags.  Meesa say, meesa not a bad guy?  Yoosa no see the focus group scores for Jar Jar after Episode 1!  Weesa all had a good laugh.

How wude!

Yoosa think yoosa had it bad, Anakin?  Theesa peoples BEAT on Jar Jar!  Call heesa bad names!  Blame meesa for ruining entire childhood as if Jar Jar had secret Gungan time orb in Jar Jar's back pants-flap!

Meesa beg to disagwee!  Weesa entire Gunga speaky-speak come from black people… and George Lucas!  Heesa honorary black people, Jar Jar thinka.

Meesa stumble into gimmick thread?  Weesa haffa good time in deesa!

Meesa agree!  Dem a weesa beesa in meesa hoodabooda!

Meesa worse dan Ewok?  How wude!

How wude!