
The series finale should be Creed marrying a grown up version of the autistic kid from the series finale of St. Elsewhere. In the last few minutes, Creed finally realizes his new bride is the Scranton Strangler, and Creed kills him by bashing his skull in with a snow globe while singing "Let's Live for Today."

The series finale should be Creed marrying a grown up version of the autistic kid from the series finale of St. Elsewhere. In the last few minutes, Creed finally realizes his new bride is the Scranton Strangler, and Creed kills him by bashing his skull in with a snow globe while singing "Let's Live for Today."

Grades are not an assessment solely of the work in question's value to the human race or goodness in comparison to every other piece of art ever created. Grades are based on the episode's quality relative to its show as a whole, the show's aims, the episode's aims, similar works that came before it, perceived

Grades are not an assessment solely of the work in question's value to the human race or goodness in comparison to every other piece of art ever created. Grades are based on the episode's quality relative to its show as a whole, the show's aims, the episode's aims, similar works that came before it, perceived

When was she emotionally neglected? I'm being completely serious. I haven't seen every episode and in the episodes I have seen there hasn't been anything I'd classify as emotional neglect. Say what you will about her diet and role models, but from what I've seen, attaching accusations of emotional neglect to her

When was she emotionally neglected? I'm being completely serious. I haven't seen every episode and in the episodes I have seen there hasn't been anything I'd classify as emotional neglect. Say what you will about her diet and role models, but from what I've seen, attaching accusations of emotional neglect to her

Have you seen the show? Because while downward comparisons are most definitely occasionally expected of the audience, the majority of the time the family is portrayed as strange but happy and functional. I don't know that this portrayal is necessarily accurate, but it's definitely what the show wants the audience to

Have you seen the show? Because while downward comparisons are most definitely occasionally expected of the audience, the majority of the time the family is portrayed as strange but happy and functional. I don't know that this portrayal is necessarily accurate, but it's definitely what the show wants the audience to

Actually, most of the people I know who like Honey Boo Boo don't like it because they love to gawk at the weirdos. That may be why they came, but that's not why they stayed. A lot of fans of the show like it because to them this family isn't exotic; it's the closest thing to normal they've seen on tv.

Actually, most of the people I know who like Honey Boo Boo don't like it because they love to gawk at the weirdos. That may be why they came, but that's not why they stayed. A lot of fans of the show like it because to them this family isn't exotic; it's the closest thing to normal they've seen on tv.

Atticus Shaffer is 14. Mind blown.

Atticus Shaffer is 14. Mind blown.

I agree! By using such a strikingly different style, the event is made to feel more portentous, something that might have been difficult to accomplish otherwise due to the show's mood being portentous by default.

I agree! By using such a strikingly different style, the event is made to feel more portentous, something that might have been difficult to accomplish otherwise due to the show's mood being portentous by default.

I disagree with your assessment that Iris' change of heart came out of somewhere like nowhere. Iris' allegiance to her brother has always relied on the pretense that Justin was destined to do the work of God. She was always essentially a devoted, deranged person with very good intentions. Her change of heart comes

I disagree with your assessment that Iris' change of heart came out of somewhere like nowhere. Iris' allegiance to her brother has always relied on the pretense that Justin was destined to do the work of God. She was always essentially a devoted, deranged person with very good intentions. Her change of heart comes

Actually, I was just going to bring that guy up. In the commentary for Time Bandits, Gilliam says that when filming different guys as giants, they found that the fatter actors worked best. The normal weight guys always looked stupidly thin from the giant-y camera angle.

Actually, I was just going to bring that guy up. In the commentary for Time Bandits, Gilliam says that when filming different guys as giants, they found that the fatter actors worked best. The normal weight guys always looked stupidly thin from the giant-y camera angle.

Cinnamon Bun vomiting/belching the perfect sandwich might be my favorite AT moment ever.

Cinnamon Bun vomiting/belching the perfect sandwich might be my favorite AT moment ever.