
Every episode there is one scene that strains my suspension of disbelief. It is always random, never anything to do with the mythology. For this episode it was people from Mexico throwing themselves into LA water and not immediately running out screaming about how cold it was.

I like the slight awkwardness. It reminds you that in universe you are speaking Korean rather than English. When I study other languages, I find literal translation can help in getting into the mindset.

I think the archipelago helped spread the news. Everyone​ had heard about Riley's escape. Some people couldn't resist seeing if it was true.

Excellent catch! I just realized there are elements from Bound, too

Stereotypical Australian? Really?

Lito was speaking Spanish. Very different primary audiences, and once you made the translation the wording would seem different. :)

Yeah, I think it's pretty safe to assume that prejudice​ was the subtext of that red carpet interview. She obviously wasn't there to help call fight the marginalization of gay men in the Mexican film industry.

I think it is a function of their skill level at being sensates. I won't add spoilers, but our primary cluster is only one year old. They are basically sensate toddlers.

Sigh, I live in the US, and the typo made me wish our Senate members had even one useful skill to contribute.

Fun fact: Gilead was known as a major balm producer of the time. Jesus was snarky!

This episode was the first time it occurred to me that Wolfgang's father killed his mother. Is there anything that contradicts that? I somehow thought she had been sick like Sun's mom, but there's no evidence of that is there?

Knowing that whispers has gone over budget on their cluster is actually the most salient fact to me.

No. Lito has always been so wacky that the 7 new people hardly register. Also, Dani is not the best at keeping secrets.

Mid summer, really long days in the northern hemisphere. Only explanation for so much sunshine in Amsterdam.

I assumed she knew. That's why she'd be willing to take care of him. It's like a piece of her husband.

Northern California is full of people like that.

Drugs can become toxic, and in the case of antibiotics literally worse than toxic if they help create resistant bugs. While under ideal storage conditions, some things maintain efficacy past their predicted expiration date, that's testable, and not something you need to gamble with.

They were real authors. The wachowskis are also fans ;)

And on a boat!