The moment it occurred to me how thin the stems of a martini glass was, I was like, "nononononono"
Second/third-generation Apple TV remote.
Of course if I scrolled down I could have seen someone asking the same question.
Compounding it is the combination cinematic/television universe, in which I would presume that if the films and the TV series really DID share common ground, the Spider-Man guy from YouTube would try to help Manhattan, even if it isn't Queens.
She was told that Marion went to a farm upstate to play with all the other Michelle Forbes sci-fi characters.
I always understood that the actual Aladdin tale (as told by Scheherazade) was set in China, and the character's name was Ai La Din.
And I for Natalie Morales. :-(
Believe me, the Krystal material delivers, and even though the rating there is a B-, the reviewer agrees about all the Krystal stuff.
Does that make him the Youngest Pope?
Scott's "you get used to it" line hit me in all the right places.
Does it count if they speed it back up later?
Rock Band 4 got In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida this week, so I'll probably be playing that this weekend.
I just got an X52 this past week, and I finally got around to trying Elite: Dangerous for the first time ever (and in VR, too!).
I understand that when it comes to acting, he just plays himself.
I was expecting Sam to ask her to handle the camerawork.
I'd argue that Michelle Rodriguez needs more to do. While it's great that she gets to kick MMA fighter ass in scenes (F&F6's Underground fight against Gina Carano is one of my favorite CQC fights in Western film canon; I was kinda meh about the Rounda Rousey & guard fights in F7), she should be exercising more agency…
She DYED?!
I really, really need to play KOTOR.
Blaine stole the formula for the memory serum, but they haven't shown him with the cure.