
I would have been happier if he were like, "I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith."

What I appreciated about it is he pronounced it "raysh," versus the "rahz" that the non-Nanda Parbatians (including Malcolm, I'm pretty sure) have been using up until now.

And kinda hot.

I didn't think anything could top last week's "I'm Only Happy When It's Brains," and I'm delighted to know I can be wrong.

My best friend is married to a Swede who understands and can deliver sarcasm.

But do any of them speak Danish?

Because Season 2, maybe?

(For your reference, it's "mnemonic." You got it right the first time.)

The moment he sees his father's body is one of those heart-drops-through-a-hole-in-the-floor moments. YOU don't see it, but from the way Saracen acts you know it isn't pretty and you know that nothing could have prevented the moment from happening, no matter how hard you wished otherwise.

I don't know what this means, but I like it!

Leslie Knope has just declared you Public Enemy No. 1.

Here's just hoping her actual baby doesn't go on the side.

Thank you, now I have to watch that episode again.

You don't remember that he starred in Danzez with Wolvez?

Somebody on Sepinwall's site suggested that Lindsay doesn't remember anything else happening after that, being hopped up on goofballs and such, and having reviewed that and the following episode where Vernon gives her money, it's starting to make sense to me. Of course the freezer microwave baster sperm didn't make

I think all of the other ones have the titles in the song themselves. If not, the greater majority.

You don't have to. Just pretend you did and admit you only watched Recitfy after you get called out on it.

It makes sense because that was exactly what his father was telling him happened with his mother.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like it's Becca's passive-aggressive way of opening up to Lindsay. Note that immediately afterward she actively invites Lindsay to feel her belly, having been couched in that insult.

I think it actually isn't a façade. He just likes to pretend he treats friends and strangers equally, when in reality he really does care about his friends.