The added cracking note of frustration in that line sold it for me.
The added cracking note of frustration in that line sold it for me.
We know Luisa is planning to break out of the mental ward. Presumably that'll happen in the next couple of episodes.
Terry's fake smile won this episode over for me. It's not the most solid one in the show, and I really hate that Jake and Sophia aren't together anymore (I mean, seriously, how could you survive the Room of a Thousand Dolls and not come out stronger?), but I also like the fact that it stems from the inherent issues…
Random note: While the pilot script I read more or less explicitly states that not telling Jane was the biggest mistake she ever made, the broadcast version omits that line, implying that meeting with Rose privately is in itself a contender.
*type "Star Wars"*
*click "Load more comments"*
*repeat from step one*
"SURPRISE, MIRAKURU—GODDAMMIT, I messed up that line!"
Yeah, well, Xena can't fly, either.
Oh yes, having Xo and Jane speak in Spanish was fantastic and definitely appropriate for the situation.
I really don't want Michael to die, and I wouldn't have a problem with #TeamMichael in the long run. This and Chapter Four have been excellent examples as to why he and Jane were together for two years.
He could get a job in the Homicide department. Of course, since he'd be the only competent one he'd probably die after asking about their blood spatter analyst.
A couple of other things:
He also mentions that she pays him alimony.
The difference here is that Holt's the one with a stinky butt.
I think my favorite line reading of this episode is Luisa's, "I thought you would never know but things turned out differently?" Of all the lines in the pilot, and the pilot has tons of fantastic lines, that is my favorite. I'm incredibly happy that, contrary to the pilot script, they apparently decided to keep…
I'd think it were hand-cut, not really grated per se.
Season 2 works much better when marathonned. Part of my issues with it were due to the pacing from week to week.
It was "Ben Stacks" when originally announced.
Quite honestly, I'm kinda regretting that I don't have my old HP DeskJet 550 from the 90s anymore. Pretty sure that if I could find the ink, and with a parallel/USB adapter, it'd still be working today.
Don't we all? #Rohuglio
They missed my pick for scene of the year: Tom Cruise attempts to roll away from training in Edge of Tomorrow and gets the timing wrong by one.