
The Melvins also released "The Bulls & The Bees" EP this year, which is better, I think, than "Freak Puke."

From what are you citing that explanation?

From what are you citing that explanation?

Never enough likes.

Never enough likes.

Metallica are a case against the 90s.

Metallica are a case against the 90s.

We'd still have that soundtrack, but Aerosmith wouldn't have recorded it.

We'd still have that soundtrack, but Aerosmith wouldn't have recorded it.

The point of the movie is not triumph; it's that no one makes it out unscathed. Survival is not so much a blessing.

@Lummox Are you that St. Louis guy Chris Gethard tracked down? You look just like him.

@Lummox Are you that St. Louis guy Chris Gethard tracked down? You look just like him.

Yeah, true. And I know it's said every week, but it remains disappointing: the articles apparently exist solely as comment-bait. Rabin's cursory discussion of the show - basically a rote fill-in-the-blank recitation of each's episodes jokes and plot - does a disservice to a show that really can be picked apart and

Yeah, true. And I know it's said every week, but it remains disappointing: the articles apparently exist solely as comment-bait. Rabin's cursory discussion of the show - basically a rote fill-in-the-blank recitation of each's episodes jokes and plot - does a disservice to a show that really can be picked apart and

You can't expect him to repeat all of the jokes verbatim and also do it accurately. He's just one man.

You can't expect him to repeat all of the jokes verbatim and also do it accurately. He's just one man.

Is joke.

Is joke.

No. Fourth building. Third location.

No. Fourth building. Third location.