my real name is dick whitman

Or Marcus Aurelius' (or Antoninus Pius' no-longer-extant one)…

I can't decide which advertising characters I hate more, the one with the Palm Pre, above, or the ones in the Volkswagen commercials with the incredibly stupid haircuts…FROM THE FUTURE!

"I Need Somebody" = free pass for life.

Dallas Sucks
This is "My Real Name Is Dick Whitman" from Westchester — long-time reader, occasional commenter — and I'd just like to say, where I can I get one of those "Dallas Sucks" T-shirts?

"The city's collective regret over the destruction led to the creation of the Landmarks Preservation Committee."

I thought it was interesting that she said, "I work for a jerk," since she is the only person in the office that Don has been halfway nice/protective of. Their relationship is one of my favorite things about this show, so I look forward to seeing that plotline develop.

::ponders bottle of wine in the fridge::

Not enough room to swing a cat…

Damn, my reply went into the wrong thread, try again:

One does the duty, the other gets the booty!

Wasn't it an NBC broadcast — since they do that, very occasionally?

The best part about "That's a dealbreaker, ladies!" is that they had Mike Emrick (?) use that call when Sean Avery put a hit on someone in the boards. Especially after Avery's "sloppy seconds" line.

No one wants to hear what you dreamt about, unless you dreamt about them. Tell them anyway, and you can make it up as you go…

Also…"That's What I Like About the South."
[Bob Wills' voice] Yeah… [/Bob Wills' voice]

Oh…(cough) damn.

is never going to get swine flu.

Doctor says that if you have any more baby, he's going to take your foot.

Always liked the Geeks. Didn't really find the Freaks that interesting, though.