Leonard Lunatic

Arsenio should definitely angrily yell "rhinocerous piss!" at point, while the others look on with a smirk like Eddie "Akeem" Murphy.

Gerard, did you know your Pops had on a mushroom belt?

You could have said something about a dog biting your ass… or hot sauce.

Sims should consider the fact that reviewing television shows is not his strength.  He should find a list of other occupations and then use the magic 8 ball to narrow down his options.

When was the last time you actually used the swiss army knife?

No one understands Charlie's illiteracy better than Amy Thompson.

I recently went from the big, full wallet to the bare essentials in a little card holder type thing (it was actually a leather insert inside the bigger wallet.)  I always thought I needed all that crap with me like Costanza does, but the truth is it has been very liberating.  I haven't missed a single thing that I


Outlook unclear, please ask again later.

I didn't think it was a Thelma and Louise parody either, except for maybe the very end when they grab hands and take off.  That is really the only valid comparison between the episode and the movie.  I'd say there were other road-trip/buddy movies that could make better comparisons. 

I'm not so sure.  I think Sims was trying to lighten up earlier this season due to all the criticism, but I think he has went back to his old bitchy, nitpicky self these past couple weeks.  It is still basically just reviews full of complaints with a few funny quotes sprinkled in.  These are pretty lazy reviews in my

While I disagree with Sims' assessment of late Seinfeld, I think the comparison works better with seasons 11 and 12 of the Simpsons.  That was when they got way more outlandish with the plots at the sake of more reality-based humor. 

Michael knows Andretti is a brand, but he also knows it is a way classier brand than Trump.  Why lower yourself to Trump's standards when you were just doing him a favor anyway?  Donald Trump is a fuckin joke and an egomaniac.  Michael Andretti is a respectable person.

You got me when you said "Donald Trump thinks"  The only thing Trump ever thinks about is more attention for himself.  If anyone had the balls to just go the fuck off on Trump and put him in his self-righteous place, it was Adam Carolla.  Too bad they would never have aired that anyway, even if it had happened.

I read this review because I watched the first few episodes but missed this week, and for some reason they haven't put it in the on-demand list yet (fuck you, BuckeyeCable) but I think I'm done with it now that Carolla is gone.  He was my main reason for watching, but without his observant wisecracks, it won't be

This has been said many times before, but Frank's delivery is the key to the character being such a classic one.  Can you imagine how much of a waste the character of Frank Costanza would have been if the original guy played him the entire series?  It's a frightening thought.

I agree that Carolla never tried to get into show business, it just kind of happened.  Many people have said that he is the funniest person they have ever met.  He is just very quick witted and knowledgable about a variety of things, not to mention very opinionated.  I think his regular guy persona helps out a lot

I listened to the whole Temple of the Dog album recently and thought it aged better than a lot of the other albums from that time.

I'm not defending his comments, but if you had a wife as hot as Kirk's, maybe you would be less likely to understand the homosexual lifestyle as well.

It also doesn't look good for Lou in the long run of the show, both on his team when he has to run the show, and in the eyes of the Trump.  He certainly didn't help himself at all by being the big baby.