Leonard Lunatic

and world's greatest superhero from pete and pete.

I thought the point was, since he wrote the prescriptions himself, that he got the strongest ones he could and took way too many of them.  I've seen people on too many painkillers get pretty loopy like that.

I had thought that season 6 was uneven too, but then I bought the DVD's a couple weeks ago and it was much better than I remembered.  Lots of good episodes.

Hacky is wearing rainbow suspenders and telling jokes about cancer.

I use that pronunciation of Costanza all the time.  It just kinds of sticks in your head and grows on you.

And that is why you have no oranges!

It bottles in the heat.  You don't even need a coat.

There is no way you can be too critical of Sims.  He has not been doing great work here.  He complains week after week.  Sims is the one that is way too critical.

Honey Mustard!

Jerry got a Bette Midler CD for his birthday.

Well, when they tried to figure out who Dee's baby daddy was, it made the gang seem almost normal compared to all the guys that Dee has fucked…

I'm one of the few as well.  With all the crazy shit that happened throughout the series, there was no going back to the calmer, dialogue driven episodes of the early years.  If it's funny, then it works.  No need to overthink this shit.

Some of Jerry's funniest moments are when he is just about to crack up.  Sims has complained about that before, but I think it goes along well with his character.  If you had the craziness of George and Kramer in your life everyday, wouldn't you just sit back and laugh at them a lot?  I would.

Mac not being able to ride the bike at all was funny, but I wish they hadn't ruined it by showing it in the commercials beforehand.

Frank thundergunned the shit out of them.

I enjoyed this episode as well.  I would definitely say it hung dong.

Michael Dorn was at his best when he helped save all those baby calves on South Park.

Looks like nothing's going right for you, is it?  I'd give you a ride, but I have Karl Fardman in the car.

Not one of the other games mentioned had a loaded pistol in the infield that is never allowed to be touched.

"I will definitely forget the board is nailed down."