The Prince and the Potter
The Prince and the Potter
Is there trouble in the forest?
Who there, cowboy. I think Treasure Planet gets far too much hate, but it doesn't approach Lilo and Stitch. Planet was great fun. L&S was genuinely emotional, and visually stunning.
In the case of this particular class of chick, I'd say the answer is an unequivocal "yes". And after a few days you'd have the itch as well.
I loves me some Magnificent Ferengi, but top three is going a bit too far.
I'm about to write you a reality check. Or would you prefer the cold hard cash of Truth?
That's not encouraging. I live here too, and I've never even tried. The kid scored a free pass to ACL a couple of years ago, though.
I have reasons the go to SXSW but can one even get in at this point? To SXSW, not this event, which as I can see is free and open to all.
They were awfully tight pants weren't they? Mmmmm.
Leave it to ZMF. Truly an AV Club immortal!
Where did "OF COCK" come from anyway?
That was actually a pretty cool shot, I thought.
A valid point. Still creepy to be out in the open like that.
Ah, yes, the great "really ALIEN aliens" we were supposed to get on B5. Except that we didn't see them. There was the insect crime lord (once or twice). And…really that was it, except for a couple of brief one-offs I think this guy covered in the post. 90% of the time it was guys in head masks. I suppose that was…
Not only that, but their dangly bits are shaped just right to give a human female (and males too, presumably) pleasure. A buddy got that one right from Majel Rodenberry herself, in the run-up to TNG. It's so bizarre, I doubt he made it up.
If you do the freeze frame thing there is a shot in the bar where you can totally see it's Bashir.
Ferengi lust for hooomon women was something Rodenberry himself cooked up way back in TNG. The dude was getting pretty perverse in his dotage. Or maybe he was just tired of hiding it.
Eh, Captain's holiday wasn't that bad.
First Shap!
My exact same thoughts. I sort of like to forget about the Burton/Depp version.