
Listen mister, Bajorans were piloting space sailboats to other stars while you hairless apes were still trying to figure out which end of a sharp stick to use on cave weasels. Show some respect.

The fog rolling in line is the best thing about the episode, other than Gates getting her groove on all the time. If you're into that sort of thing. Which I totally was at the time. I still am actually, but now I can also feel bad for the actor.

Except in the TPS the crew was trying to SAVE the Native Americans from getting smashed by an asteroid. In this episode they would have just let the damn thing go on and kill everyone.

Bingo. The abuse of the PD here is just asinine. I wanted to throw things at the TV during Picard's little "Too bad an entire race has to die so we can have superior morals!" speech.

Nice page, though I have to take issue with calling "Unseen Academicals" a Rincewind novel. He turns up, but its little more than a cameo.

Interesting. I haven't found the ones I have read to be anti-climactic, but the fact that his climaxes seem to take a hundred pages is a bit irritating sometimes.

I think if you read several in a row it can be a bit tiresome. The tone tends to be the very same, something that for me at least gets older faster in humor than in drama. Don't know why. Best to take them a decent intervals.

Well, they aren't human, you know. Goblins, that is. It's the claws, you see. Gives them dead away.

Too bad about Lerman. I though he did fine in Percy Jackson. He and the other young actors were the only good things about that adaptation.

Oh, and thanks for pointing it out anyway. Are they chosen randomly or what? I never knew…

Damn. Serves me right for actually working most of the afternoon. Where should it have been, I see nothing but a grey blob where the comment of the day used to be.

Ale. Lots and lots of Romulan ale.

No love for John Goodman?

Yeah! I'd like to see Catherine Keener get it on with a fuzzy…

Yeah, these bleeds…

First bozo tries to remake this classic, I'm gonna shove these rosary bleeds right up their nose.


I liked the original fine, but bits of the VR thing bugged me. Like, to get out they needed to use a land line, or direct connection, not the fancy cell phones. Okay, sounds fine at first. *Except* they were in a simulation. EVERYTHING was virtual, including the land lines. So that made no sense.

And one like just for alerting me to Grace Harrell. Rowr.

Dang, I should have made my post about fandom hating this ep here. But this is all right and true.