

Beat me to the W.T.F.

Well, you would think the transporter would have a back-up or something, but out in the boonies it's lowest bidder wins the contract, and Halliburton didn't think they needed one.

Rickman Rickman Rickman ACTION WIZARD "TEN POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!" Cut Rickman Rickman Rickman…

I always got the sexual assault vibe. The fact nobody said exactly what happened sort of suggests it. Would people be so allusive for a simple beating? I don'tt think so.

To be fair to "Our Man Bashir", the holodeck screwup there was because they were using it in a way not intended. Because of the transporter buffer…thing…they had to stuff all the people into the holosuite memory. Which screwed things up. Possibly the only malfunction in the whole run of DS9, and it came about not

Sexual politics
Zack touches on the whole male fantasy aspect of the thing in his review, but man, did this ep create massive firestorms on rec.arts.startrek.current (or whatever the Usenet group was). Not surprisingly, there was a bit of a gender divide.

drones != robots.


But only the first She and Him album, because they sold out later.

My god, that video is smokin' for being so little. I mean, I knew Shakira was hot, but…dayuuumn.

"Feeling" was used as a workout song in my gym class for three months, and sometimes we re-use it. There are worse things to do bench presses to. Far worse.

I liked Bashir from day one, puppy-eager horndog that he was. Oh, the character was a bit irritating at first, but that was actually part of his charm. Because it was done well and he got zinged for it by the rest of the cast.

@Jesus: I didn't say they actually *did* anything good with the character. Just that fans that hated Wesley (like me — Wil Wheaton is cool though) saw that he could be done well.

Also, probably the first episode that made a lot of Wesley haters say "Hmmmm…this character…something good could be done with it."

Worf's ending line on CoL
was the only thing good about it. That and the fact it signaled the end of the episode. I'm sure Majel Barret was a nice lady, but my God, Lwaxana was the most irritating character on the show.

Clever. Not so clever that you don't get the CancerAids, but cleverer than most.

YM "conservative dickhead Christians." A lot of us Jesus freaks are just fine with gay folks.

Don't fuck with the Yankovic

"The Saga Begins", aka "My My This Here Anakin Guy"