

Valentines Day is a perfectly engineered evil holiday.

Actually 3 is right, once you hook 7 year olds, you've got them for life. This is why I listen to MC Hammer exclusively.

I would watch the Bar scene with Louis CK and Phillip Seymour Hoffman over and over though.

If the prequels were in no way related to the originals, they don't even get made.

You've got to do it through the online test. They do it every March or so. If you do well enough on the online test, you'll get an invitation for the tryouts. Then you wait for 18 months to see of someone randomly calls you and asks if you want to be on Jeopardy!

While we're talking about disappointing game shows…
How about Million Dollar Money Drop? Fantastic idea… horrible execution.

"Here's a quick experiment, try using a magnet to deflect the electromagnetic (EM) radiation emitted by a flashlight. The EM radiation is a beam of visible light and, although we hate to spoil the experiment, nothing will happen."

It took human civilization 6000 years to figure out to not drink water downstream from where people shit. I don't think Americans are quite the dumbest ever.

That movie and reveiw are classroom worthy to demonstrate crap science.

Um… I know that, I was trying to point out the absurdity of using a MC test for ANY subject.

FARMS = Free and Reduced Meals (a proxy measure for poverty in schools)
NCLB = No Child Left Behind. It is the current, test based education law
AYP = Adequate Yearly Progress toward the goal of 100% proficiency in 2014. It is the difference between success/failure under NCLB.

"Stepping Down" means she got fired by mayor elect Vincent Gray. This was a forgone conclusion since primary election day, as she basically ran as (current mayor, election loser) Adrian Fenty's running mate.

Down's Syndrome, Austism, and dyslexia aren't even the most expensive cases. Schools are essentially required to serve as daytime hospital services for children with FAR greater mental handicaps, and if they cannot, must pay the full bill to send that child to a facility that can.

Or the students given a multiple choice test on art history and theory. That's pretty much how english/socialstudies/math/science teachers are judged.

Only the top 15%???
I take issue with this statement, as in my experience it hasn't been true for at least a decade. (at least in "high needs" schools).

Interesting choice of towns there.

Clearly Nickelback is worst. The others at least took me 10-15 seconds of listening to a song before I realized they sucked, but i realized i would hate everything nickelback would ever do before the "never made it as a blind man" line was finished.

the middle half is the inter-quartile range… pass algebra dude.

28 Days later wasn't ruined by the introduction of the military guys… but by the Die Hard sequence of killing like 10 guys because they were about to rape someone.