
There's a Wocket in my Pocket.

George Harrison
Oh my god…

Mincher Mentioned it…
but Eastern Motors has the worst song in the world that still gets stuck in your head.

Dammit, now I'm singing the Standard Carpet thing… As revenge:
"Nobody Has what Tate Has"

Have you been to the National Zoo lately??? It's pretty weak, just pandas and n0n-exciting animals. They don't even have any damn giraffes.

Being a Teacher in a 98% black school
I thought "white kid trying to go unnoticed" was much funnier than Gay Kid.

You crazy NE liberal arts college people… I had to look up both of these colleges.

Remember that movie FearDotCom? No? Well, anyway, the official movie website for it was feardotcom.com.

I think i remember something about staples… can somebody refresh my memory?

Don't the gospels also have Jesus dying in Friday afternoon? There was a rush to get him into a tomb before sundown after all.

Um, Doc Brown was in Back the the future… Doc Graham was in Field of Dreams.

Jutternaut… turn up the refresh rate on your monitor. That will give you less headaches.

About the "all must have access to news", I was unaware that major cities' dailys were given away for free. Last I checked, it cost $.75 to buy a paper, which is more than it costs to go to the library and read it online (maybe)

Re: BBC vs. World Service:
If we are in the US (like me), then when you listen to BBC news, it IS the world service.
That is all.

I know how to play bridge… it's kind of like spades but the trump suit changes.

I was going to smoke the marijuana like a cigarette.

More importantly, what did Arch Campbell think about it?
Answer: Marginally better than Madea goes to Jail!

I have a twitter account
And exactly 0 people from my email address book were on, so I found it pretty pointless… anyone else have this?

Hopkins Alumni!!!
Even if i was Writing Sems.

You won't see anything you didn't see when dad gave up pants.