Angus T. McButterpants

Pretty much because of San Bernadino.

They're all dead now.

It's fucking RAW you donkey!

'Ol Gil's gonna be eatin' food tonight!

It does have one improvement: No Kid Rock.

Any boss that feels the need to shout and bully in any profession is an insecure asshole. Some people just get it in their head that being the boss means you act like a douche.

HK is basically a long interview for working in one of Ramsay's restaurants making his recipes night after night.

I agree, and Masterchef Junior is my favorite because the kids are so supportive of each other, but it's still entertaining.

They actually edited out a lot of the crying? I remember her breaking down in almost every episode.

It was just recently when he got out of the pod and his asthma was miraculously "cured" so he stopped carrying around his inhaler. Big mistake, as he soon took incriminating pics and died of a massive asthma attack right before he got to show them to the gathered town in front of city hall.

I wonder if Joe narrates his sex like he does everything else.

R.I.P. skater dude, you are missed.


It's "Card Sharp" not "Card Shark" but in all fairness it's a pretty common Dogberry.

It's about French food?  More like Haughty Cuisine.  

Communist Nazis!

Pffft, it's a car-hole, snobs.

But the community grade is an A-.  Clearly Ignatiy Vishnevetsky has underrated this movie.

You can't comprehend that something might be wrong/unethical until you get caught for it (besides your examples of rape, murder and robbery)?  Are you fucking serious? 

You never got a ticket because driving while full of shit isn't a ticketable offense.