Why jerk my neck around like a goon when AV Club decides what I should look at?
Why jerk my neck around like a goon when AV Club decides what I should look at?
Devilishiously satirical! I wonder if anyone else got that.
I should've got off at Crackton.
You idiot! He was the most talented one.
It's so tragic the way they hopped on Pop.
Just because he's black and he's dressed as Dracula that makes him Blacula?
Isn't that the plot of Chrono Trigger?
With sexy results.
In your face, space coyote!
@Yuri Petrovitch It's over two hundred and fifty five?
Did they misbehave?
Your daughter is a smart one; Steve Earle's bluegrass album is, in fact, the best thing in the world.
A killer robot driving instructor.
Grandfather, tell me a story!
Lisa needs chaises.
Truly yours is a butt that won't quit.
This guy can go fuck himself, it's a fine song.
One of many reasons why the Bee Gees aren't given their proper credit as founders of the Thrash Metal genre.
Also, the latest recording of Off!.