The Real Fake Jake

An argument could be made that Adam is just too old and lazy to incorporate other people's sense of humor that doesn't mirror his, thus he doesn't value what (most) female comedy writers produce.

An argument could be made that Adam is just too old and lazy to incorporate other people's sense of humor that doesn't mirror his, thus he doesn't value what (most) female comedy writers produce.

I'm more disappointed than anything. I know he's trying to drum up sales for his new book, but this is not the way to do it.

I'm more disappointed than anything. I know he's trying to drum up sales for his new book, but this is not the way to do it.

I hear those things are awfully loud.

I hear those things are awfully loud.

monorail, monorail, monorail, monorail….

monorail, monorail, monorail, monorail….



Bajorans are so "into" their religion is because their gods are real, and send them magical orbs that can tell the future (among other things).

Bajorans are so "into" their religion is because their gods are real, and send them magical orbs that can tell the future (among other things).

The relationship between the Cardassians and the Bajorans is supposed to mirror that of the Nazis and the Jews, although — aside from Gul Dukat — I didn't really detect an innate hatred of the Bajorans from the Cardassians; more like a sense that the Bajorans were just "in the way." It probably doesn't make much

The relationship between the Cardassians and the Bajorans is supposed to mirror that of the Nazis and the Jews, although — aside from Gul Dukat — I didn't really detect an innate hatred of the Bajorans from the Cardassians; more like a sense that the Bajorans were just "in the way." It probably doesn't make much

I for one would feel more than just a little uncomfortable if I left any…..residue inside a holographic projection that de-materialized without taking said….residue. Considering that holographic technology is similar to transporter technology, hopefully any and all….residue left over from a trip to the holo-suites is

I for one would feel more than just a little uncomfortable if I left any…..residue inside a holographic projection that de-materialized without taking said….residue. Considering that holographic technology is similar to transporter technology, hopefully any and all….residue left over from a trip to the holo-suites is

You don't HAVE to be a Bajoran to work for Bajoran security, as one Klingon could have confessed to, if his memory weren't wiped clean.

You don't HAVE to be a Bajoran to work for Bajoran security, as one Klingon could have confessed to, if his memory weren't wiped clean.

Technically, the President cannot fire the Vice-President; the VP can resign or be impeached (or die), but that's about it. The President can choose a new running mate the next time he runs, although it's obvious this show (right now) is based in the first year of an administration, so VP Meyer has a good three years

Technically, the President cannot fire the Vice-President; the VP can resign or be impeached (or die), but that's about it. The President can choose a new running mate the next time he runs, although it's obvious this show (right now) is based in the first year of an administration, so VP Meyer has a good three years