The Real Fake Jake

That's just drunk talk….sweet, precious drunk talk.

Thanks for the contribution!

Thanks for the contribution!

Even though nothing really happened this week, it's time for another round of idle speculation that is the Iron Throne Power Rankings!!!

Even though nothing really happened this week, it's time for another round of idle speculation that is the Iron Throne Power Rankings!!!

When Stannis' ships arrive Joffery will turn into Zap Branigan, and send wave after wave of men at his enemies, while he cowers in the darkest corner of his castle. His armor is bright and shiny right now, but will soon be soaked in his own urine.

When Stannis' ships arrive Joffery will turn into Zap Branigan, and send wave after wave of men at his enemies, while he cowers in the darkest corner of his castle. His armor is bright and shiny right now, but will soon be soaked in his own urine.

"SpongyandBruised was here."

"SpongyandBruised was here."

Changage accepted!

Changage accepted!

I don't follow.

I don't follow.

So….you don't like it when people like a show more than you do? Short of stalking Dan Harmon I don't see how professing your love for the show on the internet is such a big deal. I love Community and P&R (natch), but I don't blow a gasket when someone goes nuts over, for example, Happy Endings (which is a fine show,

So….you don't like it when people like a show more than you do? Short of stalking Dan Harmon I don't see how professing your love for the show on the internet is such a big deal. I love Community and P&R (natch), but I don't blow a gasket when someone goes nuts over, for example, Happy Endings (which is a fine show,

You should feel bad for saying bad things.

You should feel bad for saying bad things.

Jeez, do you really need to comment so much?

Jeez, do you really need to comment so much?

And water is wet.