That blows my mind. Peele is such a versatile actor. All Pharoah has are his impressions. I'm glad it worked out the way it did though because Key and Peele is excellent.
That blows my mind. Peele is such a versatile actor. All Pharoah has are his impressions. I'm glad it worked out the way it did though because Key and Peele is excellent.
I assume they were discussing some new hip restaurant that combines pizza and thai food. They just opened up a restaurant near me that is sushi and burgers. White people love it.
I read only the first sentence of your comment because its too damn long but Flynn was turning 18 in less then a year. Holly wouldn't be 18 for 17 more years. Since they already donated a lot of money recently it would make sense they would continue to do so later in the year to further protect their name now that…
I'm just going to nitpick here but how did Walt get Ricin into a closed packet of stivia and how would he know she would use that one packet? Why wouldn't he just drop it in her drink using slight of hand while talking to them at the table.
Yeah it was a poor choice. You pretty much need to use somebody that the audience knows is actually funny to pull that off otherwise people wonder is this guy just bad or is this the character.
That new girl cast members impression of Lena Dunham was perfect. Pretty much everyone nailed that parody. I don't care whether it was 2 years late or not I loved it.
For once can we all agree this is good casting.
I was just saying the same thing! I remember watching the first 3 episodes then I got bored so I stopped. Always saying to myself I got to give it another shot. Now there are 4 seasons already.
So many amazing moments from that episode. My personal favorites are Elway teleporting on to the bus and Dexter's beard not connecting to his sideburns. As a man who takes a lot of pride in his own beard I notice things like horrible fake beards.
This guy has retired more times then Soderbergh. When did he announce he was making Clerks III?
I often wonder what kitchen trend of 2013 will make our kitchens looks as dated as the yellow counter tops and brown floor in this picture look to us now and I'm pretty sure its granite.
Haha I originally said that I have seen every episode and even I didn't know what Todd was referring to implying that it was definitely not a spoiler. But after realizing this ran before the premiere my point is no longer valid as I can't put myself in the position of someone who hasn't watched this current season…
Edit: didn't realize this was an old article.
This show is just good enough to keep me watching. I don't look forward to it but I watch it when my DVR tells me there is a new episode. I'm glad they aren't going to do another serial killer storyline. Hopefully they will delve further into the drug or weapons trafficking that has been in the background so far.
Update: Finished listening to it and In Utero is not my thing. Scentless Apprentice is a pretty bad ass track though.
Whoa you just blew my mind. I did not know that. I picture Buck as being a lot younger. Man I'm going to have to watch that when I get home.
I just listened to Nevermind the other day for the first time probably since I was a kid and I think it actually holds up well. Honestly when people say "slick production" Nirvana does not come to mind. Maybe for '92 it was slick but it is still very raw.
Yeah I thought the same thing but it wouldn't have made a difference. They showed they can just break into peoples houses easily so she would be dead no matter what. I don't even want to know how they would have proved to Jesse she was dead then.
Yeah I'd be surprised if they are even mentioned in the final episode. They served their purpose by motivating him like you said.
All I remember is the one big gun but even if there were smaller ones too the nazi's have 10 times the firepower (and walt knows this first hand) so that makes me further believe it's not to attack them with. Now if the trunk was full of c-4 that would be a different story.