Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

With regards to the shower beat down: I think that was just the anger stemming from his situation coming out. I didn't take that as something that was always there, just something that happens when you are put into a living hell.

The new-ish punching sound effect that movies/TV shows use is really tough on the ears. It isn't the Rocky IV "blampf" anymore.

I'm sure this will age well.

Scalding coffee doesn't melt steel beams!

Not to mention "The Blair Witch Project," as well.

Yeah. Conan did not come off in a very flattering light in that one.

When I saw that ads for that show, they had all of the hallmarks of something that was going to get cancelled in the middle of its first season: a wacky title, a Paula Abdul cameo, forced zaniness, etc.

Because it's on TV.

This guy…this is not my kind of guy.


Going off of all the disasters that accompany a Gilliam production: simply casting Ledger.

Let's hope that's not the case.

That was….something else.

I think that's the most bizarre clickbait link I've ever seen.

And who can forget Paul Mooney's "The Last N***a on Earth" starring Tom Hanks?

Ahhh, yes, Frank Caliendo. The worst part about any NFL pre-game show. And that's really saying something.

Seriously. I couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not when the reviewer wrote, "who didn’t love Michael McDonald’s Stuart?"

Wow. So, he just died. Like, a few hours ago.

I know that everyone thinks that there is a camera in the deer, but I really hate that. In addition to it being a cheap cop-out, why would anyone have a camera in that thing? It doesn't make any sense and I hope that's not where the writers are going.

I thought that was in reference to the smuggling, not the sex?