Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

I was pretty surprised that Charlotte was able to say what she said during that scene on cable TV.


"He co-wrote Burt Wonderstone."

A few months ago an alt-weekly here in Philly did a cover article on crime or something and had his mugshot from the show secretly included on the cover.

"MMMMMM, bring out the girls."

The fact that everything is seemingly shot through an orange lens is incredibly idiotic.

Ha! I finally noticed that while watching this episode last night. Dexter said "Zack Hamilton" about 1,000 times.

TV On The Radio was also played during the "Stay out of my territory" scene from Season Two.


However, the more I think about it. How is his old-man-ass able to be svelte and athletic enough to beat up Marco and leave that crime scene fast enough when the FBI agent was killed?

I know that this won't be the case (at least, I really hope that it won't be the case), but I thought that the sketch of the eyes towards the end of the episode sort of looked like Ted Levine's.

I forget who wrote it, but when this idiotic casting stunt was announced on the Newswire here, the first comment was:

I love that.

To get a few solid chuckles in before bed?

Does it really matter?

That's because Chris Hardwick is a fucking idiot.

Oh yeah, Ryan Gosling's shitty second-cousin was terrible in that scene. Also, it looked like everyone on the balcony outside of that apartment was standing in front of a green screen.

I could see him gaining a ton of weight in three or four years too. He just has that look.

It was far and away the only decent part about the episode and something that us "FNL" fans have been waiting for for quite some time.

I did the same thing….it's still fucking terrible. Like, insanely, beyond belief terrible.