Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus Don't you mean Jezebel?

Despite being a decent listen, the title of his last album was pretty bad too. It sounded like something that would be scrawled somewhere in a shitty 9th grader's marble composition book.

I could do without Pete Holmes in general.

Seriously. This movie looks absolutely terrible.

You're bonkers.

Eeehhh, I think that this is something that I would have seen eight years ago or so, but now, it just looks like one of the most pretentious movies ever. That and I wasn't a fan of "Greenberg." I could also see this movie aging very poorly.

I think that I stopped watching "The Office" sometime before last season, but I tuned in exactly at the moment where Darryl started dancing and I though to myself, "Ahh, yes, this is just one of the many reasons why I stopped watching this show."

Come with me! Come with me again!

Yes. I am pretty fascinated by Kauffman (I haven't read Zmuda's book, it's on my list though), but I agree with you 100% with regards to Zmuda riding Kaufman's coattails.

I also took that line to mean that despite the new (and ultimately false) revelation of Johnno and Robin being siblings that their bodies knew that they weren't related.

For whatever reason, I'm unable to click "Not Interested" on Hemlock Grove from my iPad. Very tricky Netflix.

The most blatant instance of him pandering to the audience in his special was when he asked the audience something along the lines of "Are there any nerds here tonight?" Ugh, this guy is the worst.

Do you think he'll tell his stupid Bjork story on this show too?

Hardwick is grating and terribly unfunny.

I know that the scene with Jamie bashing his head against the wall was supposed to be a real eye-opener and super-dramatic, but I thought that was just entirely too cheesy. I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older or what, but I don't care about that little snot (Jamie) and I felt no sympathy towards him

Absolutely, I usually don't use closed captioning, but it has really come in handy during "Top of the Lake."

But wasn't Jude's boyfriend Turangi (thanks for that one by the way, I have been referring to him as "Tattoo Face Man") abusive towards her? I remember that being mentioned in either the first or second episode. The cops had to go out to their house and the camera also focused on the hole in the wall the he punched.

Who the fuck is Renee Zell-wedger?

Yes, I'm really enjoying this show too, but I agree with you 100% about Hunter's character and performance…it's a bit much.

Hey! Me Too! I look forward to sporadically commenting with you for the next couple of days or so.