Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

Eh, I'd rather have a wooden steak through my heart than see this crap.

Alright Depp, that's enough.

"Asshole." (drowns puppy)

Those fucking bicycle riding assholes that are always harping about "Sharing the road maaaannn!" should realize that it applies to them too.

I initially thought that they meant the 1996 Keaton Klassic "Multiplicity."

Not to mention that one room in her house looks like a piece of shit.

I remember sort of liking that Royksopp song.

Huh, I never heard about the Russ Fegoli/Paulie connection before. Was this theory lambasted and ridiculed, because I kind of like it.

And is also not nearly as attractive as people make her out to be.

In middle school, I had a friend who was sort-of asexual towards music, but loved film scores. Some notable film score CDs from his collection: "Snake Eyes" and "The Hunt for Red October" being the most memorable.

I know that this show is frowned upon here (and I completely agree with that frowning upon), but the switcharoo of John Williams and Danny Elfman conducting the orchestra in the first Family Guy Stars Wars spoof killed me.

I call bullshit on all of the actors who say pretentious crap like that.

This is my hat now, this is totally my hat.

Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.

I prefer "Tommy Boy."

You're totally right. What do you say I make it up to you by taking you out to dinner? How does Dorsia sound?

You can only imagine the disappointment that I had when I discovered that Thom Yorke and Bjork had already collaborated and that the fame and fortune that I was to amass via a series of "Bjork & Yorke" albums was rendered null.

Many people are stupid.

I just want to say that I love this series.

It makes me want to decapitate him, put the mouth of his freshly chopped-off head around my erection and spend the remainder of the morning walking around my apartment naked.