Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

Awful. Absolutely awful.


My parents met at the Tower Theater at a Byrds concert, yay!

I like Pantoliano, but at the end of the day Paul Giamatti is much better.

He also stole that necklace from some seventh grader in 1998.

He can't be coming out of there with just his cock in his hands.

Oh yeah, there's no doubt that he's going out of his way to be different/mysterious and a contrarian. Have you read the recent NYT profile on him? What I took away from that is that he fancies himself as a sort of Willy Wonka-esq character and will say self-consciously odd things like “I would sleep better at night

To build off of the actor not being able to pull off the heavy lifting that the gay Vito role required, I remember hearing that he actually requested to play this sort of character and Chase and Co. just followed through with it.

I'll be sure to sleep through the obligatory and entirely unnecessary 40 minutes of mundane, self-congratulatory crap that will creep up when this movie is at it's half-way point.

So what! It was a fucking horse!

"Ask more questions! Stop just staring straight ahead dumbfounded!"
Like when Stan told Linden that Mitch (I still can't get over the stupidity of that name) just took off and Linden doesn't say anything, like there's nothing odd about the fact that Rosie's mother has just completely vanished. Christ, this show is

Do it to it Lars!

Well, I'm pretty late to the party here and I haven't read through any of the comments, but I feel obligated to say that this movie looks absolutely horrible.

I hate myself for laughing uncontrollably right now.

My wiiii-fe!

Don't forget his awfully unfunny 'jokes' that go on for waaaay too long that he does in that hacky "Well, my voice is serious but what I'm saying is entirely too silly. Something something Bryan Cranston's Dick Grapes Something Something."


If he does, I'll be sure to just skip through the first two paragraphs of it anyway.

And what's the deal with cancer?

I know I'm not adding anything here, but I absolutely love that scene, my favorite scene in the entire series.