Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

That's what makes this so difficult.

Says the guy with the Kruger avatar picture.

And stock quotes.

It starred that woman from "The Bus."


They fade, fade away…

Good Bye Horses?

I can't say that I remember a time when people thought that the fat guy from "Fan Boys" was going to be a star.

"And I saw sparks!"

I was bummed that that untalented, one-note hack Jason Schwartzman is in it, fuck that guy.

Why was that whole thing swept under the rug? Obviously because it's a private and sensitive issue, but I've got to admit that every time I see Owen Wilson, it's all I can think about, it's very distracting.

So what?! It was a fucking horse! My son is lying in the fucking hospital!

I also saw shades of the Rodney King beating in that final fight scene as well.

Yep. It was a real bait-and-switch when I clicked on his (hopefully not "her") name to get a closer look at that avatar picture.

I know exactly what you mean. He looks like absolute shit in the scene where he's told that the Police Academy won't accept him and he sits/collapses on the front steps of the Police Station in those grey sweatpants, just terrible. In fact, I think that Rogan was quoted as saying that he lost a good amount of weight

The song that Anna Faris is listening to in her car as she drives to the mall parking lot is also hysterical.
In fact, her entire character in this movie is great. I know that the AVC loves them some Anna Faris, which I've never really understood, but this is the one time that I totally see where they're coming from.

He choked on the lemon that he was constantly sucking. Oh, and "Hollywood Homicide."

@Unregistered Troll Superhero
Of course in order to get banned from Gawker, you'll have to get approved to comment which seems to only happen if you are able to solve some sort of complex-insider-only-puzzle-of-assumed-elitism. 
/gold star

I agree in that "Observe" is much better than "Fan," which isn't to say that I didn't like "Fan," but I think that they really chickened/copped out at the end of it with the paintball gun.

Best's pure glee and child-like jubilation before Ronnie enters the room is great too.