Flesh Wounds in Ithaca

Wonderland was pretty AWESOME.

I'm not a fan of TMCD and can definitely understand your headache, that guy's speaking voice on their live album is beyond awful. 
I thought that the Beastie Boys, Rage and ATDI did play some select shows, at least in Philadelphia they did. I never heard of Green Day joining or whatever it was that Mike

Horray! I am so happy that I'm dancing on Sparta's corpse's ashes!

Just listen to a single TMV album, the length of the wait will be the same.

@avclub-e2d115ce0b4015cfa656e442f07f08ed:disqus It doesn't matter if you're a child or an adult, CBS is still the shittiest channel.

It was probably somewhere in the season long-story arc of the insanely depressing fan fiction that Sims wrote that has Morty working at the catalog. But seriously, when the hell did Peterman ever take a shine to Morty? Ugh, Sims is awful.

The quailifications for this scholarship were suppose to be.. largely academic.

"I'll bet I got a coupon for it!"

I like George’s obsession with straight-C student Steve Koren (named after Seinfeld writer Steve Koren), who he is grooming for the Susan Ross Foundation scholarship because he’s the only unqualified candidate for the award—obviously, all of the geniuses aiming for Ivy League schools make him feel horribly

@avclub-6c16aa77a1c167d91c1b8bc79d035318:disqus "See this,
it will change your life"


"No shit."

One for every month that has passed since anything involving that guy was even remotely interesting?

Ugh, people like you are the worst.

I'd have preferred if it said "CEREAL" in giant comic sans instead.

Dirtiest TEAM in the league.

What a sports nut, huh?

It was worth the trip.

He also does a pretty mean look of constant confusion as well.

Also, how did Dexter manage to leave that building and get in his car with both his toddler son and the unconscious body of an adult man without anyone noticing?