Phila T. Farnsworth

She was flustered, smitten, and incredulous at herself. It was wonderful to watch because I despise her.

Having seen and heard him on tv and radio talk shows, and after watching his recent FX show and some of the films he's been in, I really wonder if there's money to be made by him just being a 'guest' on shows, as it really is where he shines brightest. Sounds like a backhanded compliment but it's true. (IMO.)

They were horrible, he was brilliant, and at the end the ice princess was obviously VERY smitten with him to the point of stammering.
I dig Russell Brand although he can be an interminable ass. I see his douchery and enjoy him despite it. And I LOVE when he shows his intellect to the shock and surprise of his hosts, as

"It's toasted!"

And the coven members: nice, 'normal' people. Who just happen to worship Satan.

Apologies if the lyrics to the song that closed the ep were already posted:

At least Jaxson is too young to have seen Less Than Zero.

I love how you don't hear much of what he's saying to Lorne, but that unmistakeable Harrison voice saying "chintzy" is loud and clear.

Nutriffic, the candy that's made by NUTZIES!

If you were, say, ten or eleven and had to spend weekends at the house of the parent you didn't live with, watching 'the Best of Carson' until you fell asleep on the foldout sofa, 10/11/75 was the greatest gift from god you could ever get ever and the reason why some people to this day always hold out hope that 'maybe

Getting yeeech-y with it.

Do any of the animals punch either Smith in the face and bellow "WELCOME TO EARTH!"?

Not Wiig-related, but does anyone else find it odd that of all the big movies opening this season, the only one weighing in with a host appearance was Galifinakis? That used to be a regular sort of thing, no?

I was happy to see Oscar vogueing one last time.

Not every comic is sitcom funny. I loved Whitney on the CC roasts but ever since that show came on with its "no really, it's NOT a laughtrack!" laughtrack, my reaction to her name is 'ewww.'
1600 was okay in that 'I can watch this with my grandparents' way. Unfortunately, my grandparents are dead.

Not even paying attention to what is going on; the woman's wounds are so realistically rendered that on their own they're stomach-turning.
Perhaps they're a metaphor for the soda?

When the model mentioned doing a 'salt water cleanse' I thought it was going to get progressively more absurd while seeming like a real interview, but I looked at the clock and realized no, there probably really IS a thing where models actually drink salt water as a cleanse.
I enjoy Amy and will stick with this, but I

In response to the comment about mistaking the movie credits for the show credits, I was wishing that instead of playing a song over the show credits that they went with the sound of the surf that plays over 'Apes. So chilling.

And prior to THAT was another great Friedman/Pierce session, where Hawkeye uncovers the reason for his inability to stop sneezing when the soldiers with the mildewed uniforms were brought to the camp.

Best reply I've seen in decades!