Intermittent Hairdresser

Ok, I set you an e-mail.

Yeah, I'm down. I'm done with school so I have plenty of time.

Whhhhyyyyyy did we do that :(

:( I Am Legend is one of my favorite horror books.

She's not a Diamondbacks fan?! Just kidding. I know I'm the only one.


This was me :( it did only take me a few listens to American Idiot to realize that it wasn't all it was cracked up to be, though. Then I heard A Tribe Called Quest and that was that.

"You really picked that as the AV Caption Contest winner? That's fucked up."

Are LeBron and Kobe considered good defenders? They seem to do a good job whenever I watch, but they get so much attention for their offensive game (and rightly so) that I haven't heard much about them on the other side of the court.

I've been watching this loop for two minutes straight.

I still listen to it about twice a week, and I'll be doing so for quite a while.

My junior high self would be horrified to see that 4/5 of these are hip-hop/R&B.

I posted yesterday that I'm naming my first child Kanye West (my last name). I have a lot of fun with people I've added who don't know me all that well.

Hairdresser's top 5 albums of the decade so far

It's a testament to how fucking great Mad Men is.

Duck was so damn smug and I hated it.

This is beautiful. Thanks for posting it.

Shiver me timbers!

Don only likes puppies and Hersheys.