Le Sigh

As long as it's not some Masshole that moved up to NH. I almost barfed when I heard Scott Brown is running for Senate based on his house on lake Winnipesaukee and that people are planning to vote for him. Partisan politics aside, how can self-respecting NHers vote for a Turkey from Taxachusetts

Live free or die! 603 represent!

I could be very wrong, but I don't think Miley is going to be a coked out has been, or at least not a coked out has been. From the stories I've read and seen, she seems to be entirely aware of using these kind of antics to generate news stories, attention, and, ultimately, money. From other stories I've read, she

I think she's trying to appeal to internet "journalists" (or whatever you call the people who write on internet news sites).

Hey kids, stay until after the credits roll for some bonus Jesus-in-a-speedo hijinks!

"The rest of the adult world," not really, but over in Kid Nation it's survival of the fittest, kill or be killed, only the genetically superior live.

Prettay, prettay, prettay good, @avclub-d97bed96d5646177251e99b9567b1392:disqus .

I'd let a soldier quarter himself in my stable anytime. Those uniforms are sexy.

Habakkuk is a lovely name for a boy!

Is he named after the room his off-the-grid parents conceived him in?

Other biblical names I hope never go out of style: Zaphnath-Paaneah

Mr. Beardsly?

What about Aegon, spelled with the Æ grapheme? Can't wait until my first kid!

I believe Chelsea only went by that name in college.

Desmond Hume?

You should tell your nephew that his mom was just a big LOST fan.


A professional in a monkey mask is still a professional.

I love you, Dr. Zaius!

There's people on the street
Getting diseases from monkeys
Yeah, that's what I said
They're getting diseases from monkeys