Le Sigh

The rich are different from you and me. They're better.  Socially better.

And Alsion Brie did Community and Mad Men (anything else?).  Multi-task, Glover!

Was there an implication that Regina killed herself in the alternate-universe/dream?  I thought there was, with the whole Regina died on Daphne's (and Bay's) birthday.

No Glove(er), no Love(er).

Cathouse: The Series?


[Signs "Circle of Life", gets yelled at by no one]

The fascists may have had their faults, but their parks were spotless.  

How can we tell @avclub-d48dacaabeb4eeb673b4828b7de2b0d5:disqus @avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus @avclub-7bf29fb0ea4fb795eab5d5c542459d13:disqus @avclub-f320123584b4781ba1514bdf656f5db5:disqus @avclub-388f10e830d984bb6600303c85dba86b:disqus and @avclub-04a9ecf7d3c7c955bb561a442ee99043:disqus aren't all

@avclub-d69768b3da745b77e82cdbddcc8bac98:disqus I've already spun them off into their own series of erotic fan-fiction.

I am going through all of season 1 and 2.0 on Netflix after seeing the all ASL episode.  I had seen a few scenes while flipping through the channels and was really interested by the idea of a show committing to showing Deaf culture.  It's interesting to see these old episodes while simultaneously watching the new

Deep fried, buttery racism.

no babies having babies!

@avclub-1e01a864cb44d4bd2ce7739a5b3b78d0:disqus From my experience, you really have to get a high quality macaron to get the full-delicious experience.  Something from La Duree in NYC or from a Swiss, Belgian, or French bakery that has been making them for decades or centuries.  Everyday bakeries just can't prepare

Jesus wept.  Fabulous, rainbow tears. 

The hypocritical liberal media is just discriminating against the racists.

Everyone knows that to clean a bowl of peanut butter you put it on the floor for the dog to lick clean first. 

Well, The Supreme Court is working hard to destroy the ability of good, honest minorities to vote in areas historically rife with civil rights abuses…

To paraphrase Ghostbusters, if you're a white person and someone asks if the "n-word" is offensive, you say 'yes.'"

Hollywood may not know what to do with Mayor Franco, but Gay Town certainly does.