mary richards

Becky Thyre will always be Moonbeam from PCU to me.

She has hot hair for 2016 but it does not work for 1986.

Therapy dog?

My heart went out to his parents.

I read that the eczema was written in because Peter Moffat suffers from it.

Yes, I was happy to see Jeremy not only useful in the episode but very funny.

Michael McElhatton aka Roose Bolton


Pilot, you're hearing how did OJ get off? I'm hearing, "see he totally didn't do it." My husband watched the trial live in the 90s, watches ACS now and still believes OJ is innocent.

I thought that Claire was a new edition to the team.

I told my husband the same thing. It has to be Donna based on Felicity's reaction and Barry's tardiness to the funeral.

Green card marriage?

Her accent sounded Irish to me and it took me out of the story because I wondered why the casting director chose her.

Thank you. I could not for the life of me remember why Olivia released her father from prison.

Some mention of it also when she was dating Tim Daly's cop character.

I took it as a mercy kiss.

Teen Steam! I just spit hot tea out of my nose!

So do pregnancy tests