Scott McIntyre

Thank God it's not William Devane. I had visions….

I actually hoped Matt would be there at her side when she died, as Tom hinted. Just before dying, I really wanted her to say "let him see my boobs." I mean, the poor kid needs something.

Redeeming themselves for the past two "not even good enough for Star Trek Voyager" episodes. Thank Zod.

I got into Farscape late, but started from the first episode during marathons and reruns. The first season was damned good, unique and sprightly SF TV. The season ending arc was outstanding. The second season started off equally great and then crashed and burned like no other series with these two godawful episodes. I

You want tossed off titles? Watch Voyager… The Cloud. Faces. Tattoo. Remember. Meld. Twisted. Coda. Unity. Prey.

"Listen to me, MIS-ter EddingTON. We're not partners, we're not BROTHERS! And we're. Not. Friends. If you do. ANYTHING to undermine this mission, I will make you sorry you ever. Met. ME!"

It's a shame you completely glossed over the first two seasons. They were quite different from what came later, particularly the first, which was much darker and more adult. It was still a crime drama, but very much in the noir vein and deadly. I'd love the AV Club to cover this series, but I could see that coverage

•“We’ve come here to learn all those names.” Brother Theo and his monks are participating in a classic science fiction story…

Ugh, we seriously need this damned show painting another crappy picture of Long Island?