
Hell, I'd settle for the events of Winter Soldier having some actual fallout for him. When he shows up in Age of Ultron, you'd expect Captain America, Black Widow, and maybe even Iron Man to be a little ambivalent towards a guy who failed to notice the top-secret spy agency he ran for decades had been infiltrated by

Well, he makes Fury sympathetic and even heroic when his actual behavior ranges from incompetent to outright villainous. That's not a minor accomplishment - exhibit A being Clark Gregg's consistent failure to achieve it.

People who continue to deny anthropogenic climate change despite the ample evidence for it and the consensus of all but a tiny fraction of a percentage of scientists (and an even tinier fraction of a percentage of actual climate scientists) are not interested in actual debate or proof. It's like Robert Kennedy Jr.

A complete reboot of the story and cast + no Billy Bob Thornton? I'd be interested in to know if the drop happened all at once or if some fans checked the second season out and then decided to give up.

How are Legion's numbers compared to Fargo's? Despite the comic book connection, I'd expect that to be the more accurate frame of reference. They're both shows with the capacity for the type of high-octane storytelling that brings in viewers, but that's not really what either one is about.

I was going to wonder how it's possible that The Expanse is doing so much worse than The Magicians, but thinking about it some more I'm not surprised. I want to like The Expanse, and I'll give it until the end of this season to win me over, but for the life of me I can't understand how a show that includes space

Well, again, nearly every time the show has shown us Luisa and Rafael's relationship it's been in the context of him forgiving her for once again bringing a murderer into his life. At this point, it would be insane, not to mention dangerous, for Rafael to knowingly make that mistake again.

Actually, I think not knowing how many electoral votes you got is a perfectly normal thing for a president, because once you've won, much less been inaugurated, who cares? You've got work to do, and the only electoral votes you should be thinking about are the ones in four years.

One of the things I liked about The Night Of was that the lawyer character wasn't some brilliant legal mind, but a bottom-feeder whose talent was simply showing up for people who had no one to fight for them, and getting them reduced sentences or fines. He knows his stuff, but he succeeds mainly by knowing the

The context for all this is that Burger King has been trying to break back into the Israeli market, after its last franchise here closed more than a decade ago. They've been coming up with lots of weird gimmicks to get customers to notice them again - the new branch near my office had a promotion where you could

Unless you're in one of the many restaurants - chains and otherwise - who serve non-kosher meals. They're easier to find in Tel Aviv than Jerusalem, but cheeseburgers, and indeed bacon, are hardly unusual in Israeli eating establishments all over the country.

Giving Luisa something to do has, historically, translated to the following:

Don't be silly - most Republicans don't give a shit about the second amendment, except inasmuch as talking about it gets them campaign contributions. What they care about is lowering taxes so their rich patrons can get even richer.

it would expose absurd hypocrisy from the people who moaned about Hillary's e-mail server

"How Far I'll Go" (and indeed the rest of the Moana soundtrack) is a good song but far from the best that Lin-Manuel Miranda can do. And "City of Stars" is sweet but incredibly slight (and I imagine it'll sink like a stone when performed during the ceremony, because it, and the rest of the soundtrack, don't really

If Petra killed Scott, I would expect more from her than to design a kids' activity at her hotel that would involve digging exactly where she (rather shallowly) buried the body.

Jane the Virgin future timeline, rated:

Are these the same people who announced with confidence that Clinton was going to run for Mayor of New York (even though she's not eligible)? I refuse to take any of this rumor-mongering seriously. The press misses having Clinton to kick around - I don't know why, since Trump is providing them with enough material

Which is a shame, because there's nothing wrong with a lighthearted romance - in fact Kara could stand to have a relationship that is meaningful but also not her absolute OTP. Angst is absolutely the wrong register for her and Mon El.

I am neither of those things and it's pretty obvious to me.