The plot of the book is Pride and Prejudice. The plot of the movie leaves most of that out in favor of, as noted, generic romcom twaddle.
The plot of the book is Pride and Prejudice. The plot of the movie leaves most of that out in favor of, as noted, generic romcom twaddle.
As I recall it was the other way around. He was repeating the canard that Hillary is dishonest and that the "liberal media" is in the bag for her, whereas if Republicans were doing all the things she's supposedly doing, well, I'm not going to repeat it.
To the best of my recollection, the angels who visit Abraham aren't described at all. But the fact that he mistakes them for weary travelers and offers them hospitality suggests that they appeared human to him.
First, I don't know if Parker owes me an apology, but I certainly don't owe him a movie ticket, or any other kind of attention to his movie.
Yes, how wrong of me to care about my culture and history.
Actually, what he owed his victim was a confession and jail time.
Not to disagree with you, but maybe one day we could live in a world in which there could be more than one "black" film that everyone paid attention to each year.
No, Abraham encounters angels (which in Hebrew means "messengers"). He never speaks to god in human form.
The Israelite idea of God was incredibly Anthropomorphic, with God
taking on human qualities and the implication of human form many times
in Jewish scriptures.
And by "poor reporting" you mean "deliberate misinformation spread by corporations and politicians eager to gut citizens' ability to get redress from the courts."
Right, because what a show whose hero is a psychotic murderer who periodically breaks out with declarations like "when I fired a shotgun into a crowd of people in a hospital, you weren't in any real danger" really needs is a bad guy.
Well, this was already a show whose "no kill" stance was laughably riddled with asterixes and footnotes - no killing, but it's OK to drop people off buildings, and cause the kind of bodily harm that will almost certainly result in death or permanent disability. In the end, it came down to "I must not kill this one…
A lot of these connections are made in Gehn's journal, though. He references "the fire marbles" as a power source for his books, and there's a whole passage about the D'ni color system that includes the eye symbols already observed on the domes. If you connect that to the fact that each dome has a different symbol…
Well, it's short and a quick read, so I imagine you'll get hold of it reasonably soon.
It's interesting to me that so many people are saying that the marble puzzle in Riven was the stumper. Do you mean the final map of the islands and having to figure out where the put the marbles (and which color for which island)? I remember finding that pretty obvious - hell, there's a device on the map island that…
Myst III is an odd duck. The story isn't nearly as strong as either of the two previous games (and like all the games except Riven, it suffers from the fact that Sirrus and Achenar are bad villains who mainly just tend to reflect poorly on Atrus and Catherine's parenting skills), and the gameplay is a lot more…
I haven't played The Witness, but to me what elevates The 7th Guest over this (entirely valid) criticism is how it wraps those artificial - and in many cases, really familiar - puzzles in a setting and an atmosphere that were completely new, immersive, and really scary. What makes the game work is the feeling that…
Not much TV catchup this weekend because I was busy with other stuff - I read Colson Whitehead's The Underground Railroad, which is brilliant but less weird than advertised, had a major bread-baking malfunction with a loaf I had promised to bring as a gift to the housewarming of friends of my parents, and discovered…
Yeah, I couldn't quite decide whether I liked RealMyst better than the original. On one hand, being able to look around in 3D is the bare minimum of what we expect from a game these days, but on the other hand, the slideshow transitions were part of what made Myst's atmosphere. It's not meant to be a realistic game,…
Yes, the original game was released for the Mac (maybe even before the PC version) but it was never ported for OS X, much less Intel Macs. There is, for example, no Real- version for the Mac, even though one exists for the PC.