Generic Indie Kid

can't let the underclass get their hands on weapons.

i was actually really taken back by how good stallone was in creed.

i, too, have not written the winds of winter.

sean spicer go on chapo.

speaking of ends, beyonce amirite folks?

the only song i 100% want played at my wedding is date w/ ikea by pavement. don't give a shit about anything else that gets played.

*takes a long drag on a cigarette*

the cool thing about that movie is how new york city itself is kind of the main character.

wait he's in coming to america?

abraca fuck you

orange whip? orange whip?

i've never actually heard louie anderson speak, but i do a louie anderson impression based entirely on justin mcelroy yelling 'im louie anderson' in an episode of monster factory.

but if we're miscommunicating, do we feel the same?

fuck and feels is my favorite anco album.

put me in prison baby


his fake girlfriend that he made up announced on twitter that he had killed himself.

no, i deeply love that song. it was just surreal to me to actually hear it in the wild, being played by someone younger than me.

bored bureaucrat slowly dissociating like a protagonist in a kafka novel.

hey man, people leave and no highway will bring them back