Generic Indie Kid

i think of michael, michael and david when i hear the name stella.

it's a good goof.

my therapist talked to me about how he saw kevin kline on colbert last week because i think he wants me to die.

sex is gay imo.


those clowns in congress have done it again. what a bunch of clowns.

don't worry he's gonna bring back all those manufacturing jobs.

hot crackers! i take exception to that.

it'a good actually. i like it when bad things happen.

as someone who almost exclusively has dated artists for the last year, i know i'm not wrong.

*slam dunk gif*

basically the budget functions as the beginning of a full police state (not to say we don't have one already)

could be worse. you could be an epa worker.

sorry, i'm sorry i'm trying to remove it.

the can complain all they want while they toil away in uninspected coal mines.

i like how he's cutting the chemical safety board because if there's one way to make sure disasters never happen again, it's to never investigate disasters ever.

my new take is that him cutting the endowment for the arts is good because artists are annoying people.

buy less candles.

gawker was good though.

it makes you an asshole.