Also semi-successful:
Also semi-successful:
Would you call TBBT and Life in Pieces a successful multi-cam/single-cam pairing?
Strictly by ratings, probably All in the Family (no.1) and Bridget Loves Bernie (no.5, which was cancelled for reasons unrelated to its numbers).
"This early success from single camera Scrubs out of multicam Frasier and later successful pairing with Friends in season 2 is the only time I have seen a successful multicam/single cam pairing."
Given how much effort went into this revival, that it's been largely well-received and that there are seemingly endless outlets crying out for content, I would be amazed if MST3K didn't continue from here.
For a lot of these people, the Senate position seems to mean more than anything in the world, no matter how much money they have or how old they are. He'll do what he thinks it will take to save his seat.
I find Maron to be much more entertaining as an actor than as a stand-up or an interviewer.
If I had any issues at all, the mandatory one-hour length would be it, but for a weekly show it's acceptable. The old 25-minute daytime slot was just right.
Just another overlooked show in the avalanche of Peak TV.
The resolution is decent, not especially surprising, but not a letdown either.
Yeah, somehow I doubt that Trebek is aware that Andre the Giant has a posse.
Sweeping a first round category and making less than $3,000 on it is embarrassing.
I'll be calling Heller to tell him to stay strong in the face of intense pressure that's sure to come from the GOP, including a possible ad buy against him from Pence's PAC.
An ABC show growing at 10? That just doesn't happen, those numbers were pretty decent.
Game Show Review - The Gong Show
Jeopardy! recap for Fri., Jun. 23 - As she had in her two victories, Lisa came from behind and finished very strongly in DJ, although this time she lost the lead on DD3, only to get it right back on the very last clue. Going into FJ it was Lisa with $13,300, Pat at $12,600 and Brittany with $8,800.
Exactly, in this episode she was the new Diane Chambers.
It was good to see Horowitz take over the company after the death of founder Frank Williams.
There's that guy I am!
Many Fox News viewers and hate-talk radio listeners do hear the counter-arguments. They just don't care.