Jay S.

Send your letters of complaint to Ira Skutch, CBS Television City, 7800 Beverly Boulevard, Hollywood, CA 90036.

Jeopardy! recap for Wed., Jun. 14 - Super contest between calm, collected and knowledgable Becca and tough opponent Phil, who left champ Tucker far behind. Becca found two DDs and was correct on both while Phil missed DD2, resulting in Becca leading into FJ with $22,200 vs. Phil at $16,900 and Tucker at $5,200.

So is this the end of Bachelor-related betting articles on the site? I hope so.

One change I'd like to see is the displaying of the category along with each clue. It could easily be done in a non-intrusive way.

There's a review of the full season on the front page. Why that doesn't get mentioned in this column, who the hell knows.

From Duck Till Dawn sounds like the title of a Duckman parody episode.

"…each episode provides a new journey to some bizarre new location and cast of wacky characters…"

Also, Kelly was invited to a Sandy Hook memorial dinner for reasons unknown.

Jeopardy! recap for Tue., Jun. 13 - Another low-scoring affair in which champ Tucker didn't dominate, but his opponents simply couldn't get a consistent rally going. Tucker's $12,600 fell just short of a runaway into FJ as Dylan stayed alive at $6,400 and Stan trailed with $5,200.

"Shove the clean versions up your asses!"

I can't say right now that he doesn't, although he would immediately be rejected by the far-right GOP base.

He didn't read the bill, but he has heard about the polls and the flood of negative reaction. He also knows that it will be called "Trumpcare", which is why he gives a shit, because he's only interested with things that include his name.

In a related story, Nevada Gov. Sandoval has come out in opposition to the Medicaid phase-out that's expected to be part of the AHCA, in direct contradiction to the position of Sen. Dean Heller from Nevada, a key vote needed to pass the bill.

These people are chosen for these shows exactly because they're "off", as that's what makes them "entertaining", even to writers on this site who think it's fun to bet on these shows.

“By now, no doubt, you have heard that we have suspended production on this season’s Bachelor In Paradise. I can confirm to you that this is sadly the case."

The thing is, even 30 Rock, for all its Emmys and critical acclaim, was never really a hit itself. So I'm not sure why NBC would expect 30 Rock: The Next Generation to be the answer to their sitcom ratings problems.

If they wanted "toned down", they wouldn't have gotten Andrea Martin.

It depends how much ratings leeway they would have given it due to its connections.

Exactly. Megyn Kelly is what she is. The rage should be directed at NBC.

Megyn Kelly, recently of pro right-wing agenda, pro-gun Fox News, was set to host a Sandy Hook fundraiser in the first place?