Jay S.

Yeah, there are multiple corporate parties involved due to the Scrabble brand, which has sadly resulted in the show being unavailable for years. I believe it's a similar issue with Classic Concentration.

Not sure if that needs a YEAAAAHHHHHH! or a Cryptkeeper cackle.

Better hang on to all the Son of Zorn crap they sent you last year, I'm sure it'll be a collector's item someday.

All I know about Little Debbie is that it's about the cheapest snack food offered on The Price Is Right.

His mother calls down to the basement to ask what's the matter, to which 400 lb. hacker yells, "Nothing, leave me alone, I'm trying to hack down here!"

I assume that in Soviet Russia, the seizure would go amusingly in the opposite direction, perhaps the theatre would seize you or something similarly absurd.

To be fair, most of the other GOP candidates would have been almost as terrible, just not so crude about it.

In case you were wondering, the stock market's still fine with all of this. You might think all this upheaval and chaos would rattle investors, but nope, nothin' but good times ahead according to them. Fascinating.

That's certainly a better response than "the jerk store called, they're running out of you."

This is an "I hate NBC" piece.

"That’s almost guaranteed to give the episode a ratings boost…"

In Chuck's case, "retirement" is a nice word for "no one wants him to host shows anymore".

Beat Shazam is just an updated Name That Tune, mainly contestants playing against each other rather than against Shazam.

I took it yesterday. Haven't tallied my score, just remember that they had clues about recent music and recent baseball, topics that are guaranteed to screw me.

Although PYL and SotC have already been revived in the not-too-distant past, while Scrabble has not, nor has it been rerun in a very long time.

Weakest NBC game lineup (of those I've seen): Sale/WoF/Dream House/GO/Match Game-Hollywood Squares Hour (1983). Dream House and MGHSH were weak revivals, GO just wasn't a very good format and WoF was saddled with Sajak by this point.

We saw V For Vendetta in an IMAX theater. After 15 minutes of trailers and about 25 minutes into the movie, the picture froze. After a lengthy delay, they started the whole thing over from the top, including the trailers.

Not sure when "classic" became synonymous with "old" instead of "old and great", but here we are.

Congratulations on the NBC chart!

Jeopardy! recap for Wed., May 31 - All three DDs were missed, two by Joe and one by champ Kerry, stopping their momentum enough to allow Lisette to lead into FJ with $11,600 vs. $9,200 for Joe and $6,000 for Kerry.