
Yeah, Miguel was really good and probably undoubtedly is my favorite thing about that season. The tree trimmer kid skinner was a bizarre addition, but at least they managed to tie it in (though maybe "shove it in" is more accurate) to the main plot. However, I do think you're right about Smits carrying that season and

It's Dexter! People can go anywhere and do anything they want as long as it's convenient for the plot.

I think you must have had a stroke at some point if you think 3 sucked and the latter 3 seasons did not.

I've only read this review, but have we seen the person who is taking the brain chunks in the first episode the same way we saw Trinity? I mean, just from seeing the description I assume that it's the psychiatrist who's doing the braining. Sure, it seems too obvious, but it's Dexter.

Sometimes i think I would have liked to see more of him in Brazil, but it was probably the perfect amount. Pryce and Palin on screen together was just loads of fun. Their glances, expressions, and deliveries are just so good.

This is 'Merka; we don't believe in zed.

The fact that I do want to see more of them is kind of an indicator that we've seen just enough. There is no Pixar movie that I've seen so far that has felt like an incomplete work (save, maybe, Toy Story, which is good, but seems like a long character sketch. I haven't seen the sequels, though). Most of the ones that

*nerd high-five— misses.*

I know that Pixar has its own engines and what not, but the one Disney animators used to animate Paperman (I've forgotten what the software's called) could be cool.

If they make Braver, it had better star Cloud.

Starring Paula Deen and Kunta Kinte  Toby Waller!

@avclub-997c221538094d134659141cf61d51e3:disqus I was under the impression that "Shoah" was used to specifically refer to the mass extermination of Jewish people, sort of a subset of the Holocaust, while "Holocaust" was encompassing of all 11 - 12 million people murdered. So, I suppose, the title would make me expect

I think it's better if we just talk about the story and pretend that the movie is unrelated.

Suggesting that he didn't know himself?

@avclub-d116ae13554d47530ed800aef8ed5755:disqus — They get lost, and the horse has to eat Pete to survive.

@avclub-1ae867f09c946dbe5a1c0595ac4e97d5:disqus — I assume that the opening credit animation is about Don's figurative fall. At least, I hope so, because echoing that in the story with an actual jump/fall would be so cheesy. Also, I think it might be somewhat important to note that the fall at the beginning is a

I think I'd be happy with Darabont, considering his work on Shawshank and The Mist. Compared with King adaptations from the 80s and 90s, his style is leagues better. Recently, I went back to watch some of the movies I remember scaring me as a kid (Pet Cemetery, Children of the Corn), and they area laughably bad. I

You just can't see, with your anti-mass-murder myopia, how much this upsets guns and gun owners. You just don't think about the feelings of someone who could, potentially, one day, not be able to fire as many bullets without reloading as they once did. That is their freedom. Their magazines will rust from the tears

He shoulda changed more! And sooner!