
Thirteen year olds are also not children.

I have rarely read a Savage Love letter and fell instantly in detest of someone as quickly as I did her. She just had to keep her attention train rolling and needed a bigger stage… A bigger train stage for her train.

I've seen it, albeit, quite a while ago, and those final two chapters are the only ones I remember. So I suppose I have to agree with the analysis.

@avclub-b3e157f795f95a0eeddae30fc92ebd3d:disqus — Which M83 review? I'm just curious about which one is bonkers.

I think it's very helpful. There are albums I really think of as "headphone albums."

I kind of hate it when I hate a band (so, hating the hating) because they get played all over the place. My brother exposed me to Mumford and Sons and I thought they were kind of interesting. I wouldn't have bought their album, but they seemed fun enough. When he played them at work (he owns his work, so he gets to

I see you don't have a strong believef in putting a comma before coordinating conjunctions that join independent clauses, you rebel!

Don't forget about Canada, eh.

I believe in the oxford comma, but, mostly, I believe in consistency. I see writing instructors (well, business writing) who take points off for students' not using it.

If you're using a drip coffee maker, you're not really a grown up.

I don't like Romeo + Juliet, but I also have a hangup about people not updating Shakespeare's language and just shoving it in the mouths of modern or modernish characters (McKellen's Richard III mostly works because it deals with '30s aristocracy, but it still has it's jarring moments). At best, it comes off more as

The earth will be incinerated, duh. They tell you that. There will be an incineration and things will be incinerated when the ship launches. It happens because of stuff being incinerated with an incinerator.

Kind of funny that Conran made a short film last year with a Robot/Vacuum dancing with Fred Astaire.

Finally getting around to watching it… I was impressed with the beginning in Paltrow's office, but just read that it was a real set. Many of the other scenes are tight angles on peoples face in front of green screens. If they had just animated the people, it might have felt less claustrophobic.

Why is he there? Are we supposed to laugh at the absurdity of this suddenly inescapable suck-up? Because I do.

From what I understand, the Aztek is actually a really good vehicle that just looks ridiculous.

Fuck you! All double reeds are awesome!

But Abe tries to be counter culture. It seems as phony, conformist, and, in its own way, 'establishment' to do something simply because it seems like something a counter-culture person should and would do. It's calculated and contrived. He's still letting the establishment define him even if he's deciding NOT to do

Yes, the Lisa also did very poorly, but that's another 14 or 15 years down the road.

Battle with giant insects would be a good way to explain rapid weight-loss.