Nick Zbu

This is a nice way of Marvel telling Fox 'enjoy the property as it slowly sinks in importance, as this is no longer the '90s and we make just as much money keeping the characters in copyright and reprinting as we would creating new content for you to enjoy. We can wait you out longer than you can wait us out.' And

I would say she's heeling her career down the drain, but what career?

And Castle Rock Entertainment means that somehow, in some way, Stephen King is dragged into this mess. Ugh.

Brett's onto something, and that something is that Adult Swim needs fresh blood. I haven't checked it out in a while and when I did a month ago….do they even air animation anymore? Some of the shows aren't bad, but a lot of them are just there…and it's just sad to behold. Why is it even on Cartoon Network if they

I'll disagree with the Secret Success on this one. After watching Feldman on Today twice, it's pretty obvious that he's ultimately pathetic to the core. The sad attempts to be Michael Jackson long after that train has left the station (and honestly, been forgotten about for more than one reason), the weird face

The best thing the WWE can do is get Vince and Stephanie away from the front of the camera. The only McMahon worth a good goddamn in front of it is Shane, and that's only because he's been gone for years and seems to understand that being in charge of the WWE means you don't have to be this undefeatable Authority.

PBS had a lot of British stuff if you were lucky. For me, I didn't get cable until I was out of high school for a year (1997) and then my area didn't get Comedy Central or a few other standbys until about 2003 or so. It sucks being in a dead area like that.

Chris Farley's character makes it funny as hell, however. Without him the skit just falls flat and goes into a very weird torture porn space.

I'm surprised that Rob Schneider left that quickly. I keep thinking he went from SNL to being Sandler's go-to guy for doing embarrassing Happy Gilmore movies. I never remembered he vanished and then reappeared a few years later as Adam Sandler's ballwasher.

Plus if anything Sandler's musical stuff wasn't that bad. Just the Chanukah Song has been overplayed way too much. Now, if it was 'POS Car,' nobody would mind. ;)

Victoria Jackson, while being one-note, at least could be a good straight person to bounce comedy off of. They used her tap-dancing schtick way too much but she was able to get out of the way of a joke so she had some talent. Well, until she went crazy in the past decade or so.

Oh god yes. I remember Breuer telling a Norm story where Kattan was nagging Norm about a role while hitting on Pam Anderson, only for Norm to lay the smack down seconds before they went live to air and then go immediately into the sketch ptich-perfect. Chris Kattan has to be the only SNL cast member in living memory

I can see how Spade could be lumped into that (the swarminess seems to be easy for him) but Farley was way beyond that, and was capable of doing some amazing stunts but also have a range of character parts even if they weren't as expansive as some of the others. Sandler had two: normal and smug childish. And both

I'll be more impressed with South Park when they stop with the lazy 'the truth lies in the middle' nonsense and start writing the show instead of gluing something together a week before air. Sorry, been a while, had to get that off my chest.

I remember that Martin Short show, and it was only marginally better than SNL. Didn't it end with Martin driving around in a golf cart for some reason?