
I do podcasts pretty much exclusively while I'm cleaning and working. God bless you, manual labor? I would probably never listen otherwise, having much the same issues you mention.

I love summer. I wait forever for it to be summer here. I like the bugs and the sweating and the sunburn and the lawn mowing and the being covered in dirt all the time and never being able to fully scrub it out of my hands and the beer and the swimming and the camping and the it not getting dark at 5 p.m. I've been

The last movie I saw in the theater was The Immortals, back in the dying days of 2011. It was not my choice and I can't really remember whey I ended up there, who even wanted to see it. What a lame movie to go out on.


I know!!! Like, I can see…I don't know, the poor suckers on Downtown Abbey ironing sheets, but there probably hasn't been a single sheet ironed since 1939! There was a war on, and it's just been a different world since then. We snapped out of our collective haze, and said, wait just a damn minute. We're just going to

So glad to hear you're in a better place today and that you're part of our community.

I have an odd fondness for it. It's not completely terrible! And it makes me nostalgic as all hell because it was my first ocean voyage, oh, that was LIVING because it reminds me of my gang of elementary school best friends and going to go see it twice in the theaters, the first time I ever did that. We were still

I can maybe see him trolling (like LPH says, though, he might be a dick but would he be a dick about this? in this way?), but now with some of the cast and other people chiming in?

We already are, though.

He was the monster…IN law!

I would like her blue dress.

@avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus I never left.

If CST weren't so important, they wouldn't have called it "central." That's definitely not a geographic indicator, it's like, a value judgment.

You know, SINCE  you mentioned bagels. I think I've mentioned this before but I grew up saying "baggle" and I think I had the same reaction as Britta in not immediately being able to hear the difference between the standard and nonstandard pronunciations. And I think I still say "baggle" although self-reporting is

I like it but I feel like my enjoyment has diminished considerably as the years have gone by. Kind of bums me out because I loved it so much when I first saw it in 2004 or whatever. Oh well. I'm still gonna watch the new episodes.

Excuse me, quettle quorn qulub.

Do you want to start a kettle corn club?

Let's be friends.

I think  you maybe — might — perchance — get a little bit lost, sometimes. Yes?