


That's good to know, because I want mine to be thicker than pythons.

I feel ya. That sounds so much like me through the last four years. I started trying to run quite some time ago and it's been going in fits and starts largely because of that same problem. It just felt so unpleasant, even when I'd take it easy — like I could just not get enough air. I'm lucky not to have problems with

I was wondering what the hell was going on there.

I would amend this to say that an eff-ton of people who think they can't be runners can, in fact, be runners. But yeah. Not literally everyone. There are serious health and practical considerations, many of which can be worked around, not that it's easy or the tradeoff is worth it or or that you should even want to or

ALL OF MY FUCKING SINKS ARE CLOGGED. I MEAN ALL OF THEM. Okay, how it happened was…not strictly important, but okay, I ran out of cat food one night and stores close in the country sometimes  and I thought, maybe because I sometimes throw eggs to the cats on the farm the cats would eat these leftover deviled eggs. And

That kinda made me cry. OH MY TENDER 17-YEAR-OLD SELF

That is utterly bizarre. Because parallel parking encapsulates so much of the driving experience, you know.

It's okay, dude. I failed my first time too. I…drove in the wrong-ass lane for a couple of blocks because I thought I was on a one-way for some reason. My best friend had told me, make sure if you do a left turn, you turn into the leftmost lane if you're on a four-lane. Or if you're turning onto a one-way, as she'd

Dear CZ,

Gillian  just kept getting colder and colder. Someone probably pointed this video out before, but I do love the contrast of sleeveless Alison and Gillian bundled in a puffy jacket. And look, Yvette clutching a comedically huge bag.

They're giving out some other prizes, I'm not sure what. I shall find out Monday!

Virtually every TV show I've ever been invested in has made me cry. I cry at the end of a lot of movies. A lot of books, back when I read them. I don't even know what Roobles is talking about when he says that we all know the FNL episode he's talking about because I have cried over many FNL episodes.


Dear CZ,

It tried to spring this shit on me yesterday when I was on my phone, which I frequently have trouble posting on in the best of circumstances and which leads me to forever be posting things in places I don't mean to, and I felt the icy grip of horror as I very nearly introduced my iconic brand of snowmanianism on an