

I considered this very thing for about a minute earlier today and then I just couldn't even, I just, oh my god don't even

1. That part I am happy about! I was having a hard as hell time working up the ambition to go to the gym before this month, and now I actually have, like, momentum and enjoyment.

Summary: please just spare a thought to my slowly-eroding sanity over the next three days, if you would :(

Another thing I hate about this Brad Becker bullshit: he sometimes waits until the next day to log his mileage. Or longer. Once he put up miles from several days previously. Yesterday he supposedly did 26 miles but didn't log them until today. I was at the gym until 1:30 a.fucking.m. so I should know. I'm pretty sure

Wait a minute. Bart's teacher is named Krabappel? I've been calling her Crandall!

Confession time: I overcompensate with cats to make up for my awful kidnapping habit. Think the karmic balance has been restored. That's…how…things………..work?

You can't?

I wonder if they've ever noticed the arts and entertainment section of every newspaper ever…

They can, but it makes them feel topsy turvy

Ooh, I've been meaning to watch this for a while now. and I would be interested in joining. I vote for Saturday.

I get really annoyed anytime I go onto NPR's comments section. Granted, it's a better atmosphere than 95% of the news sites out there, but there seems to attract a particular brand of fuddy-duddy that really bugs the hell out of me. Whenever I read anything in their TV or entertainment section there's someone throwing

Thanks, Eric! May your pain pass as well. Always exercise proper lifting techniques. I say this as the daughter of someone who does safety training for a living and harps on it all the time, and also as someone who manages to pull something about 70% of the time she lifts anything.


Every time I see something like this the show moves further down my "must watch" queue.


Thanks, SBT! My guess is it's probably just got a Subway gift certificate and a water bottle and a pedometer and some crap, but you never know when a small town gym is gonna have Connections.

I'm just being a fool (see comment to SBT). WOULD THAT I COULD RUN LIKE A REAL SNOWCAT

It's self-inflicted aches from being on a treadmill for like eighty-seven hours a day in an effort to win a gift basket in this contest at my gym. My body doesn't want to get out of bed or stand anymore but I'm still only in second place!